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Coronavirus Statement

As the fight against with Coronavirus COVID-19 in the UK continues, I wanted to assure you that we’re here as always to support you.

Coronavirus Statement

10 March 2020

As the fight against with Coronavirus COVID-19 in the UK continues, I wanted to assure you that we’re here as always to support you. We have actioned our plans to mitigate any potential disruption to the service we provide to our clients; assurances have also been received from our providers and insurers.

At present there is no impact on our core business operations and, as you would expect, we have a robust business continuity plan in place for critical business operations and client service.

The vast majority of our team are now working from home with full access to our systems and in frequent contact with the core team that remain at Wilson House. Please do call the office with any queries, we’re here as always to help.

The health and wellbeing of our team continues to be a top priority; we are following all safety advice and precautions as recommended by Public Health England and the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy. As our team cannot visit clients, we have conference call and video conferencing facilities in place to keep in touch with our clients and keep everyone safe.

This is clearly an unprecedented situation for us all and we will aim to keep you informed of any significant changes affecting our ongoing business operations.

We continue to do everything we can to support our team and our clients at this uniquely difficult time.

Kind regards

Charlotte Perkins, Group Managing Director


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