Cyber threat heightened!
3 March 2022
Following Russia’s unprovoked, premeditated attack on Ukraine, the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) advises UK organisations to act on improving their cyber resilience.
The NCSC – which is a part of GCHQ – has urged organisations to follow its guidance on steps to take when the cyber threat is heightened.
Although not currently citing any specific threats to UK, the guidance encourages organisations to follow actionable steps that reduce the risk of falling victim to an attack.
This advice is particularly relevant as in the last few days many household names have reported incidents, including in our own sector.
Aon, the British-American provider of insurance and pension administration, has brought in external specialists to help probe a “cyber incident”. London-based Aon said in a statement to investors that it first spotted the issue on 25 February, identifying that it was “impacting a limited number of systems.” Following the initial statement Aon refused to comment further at this stage.
Aon have the resources to launch an investigation, engage the services of third-party advisors and incident response professionals, and instruct legal counsel – but how would your organisation cope in the aftermath of a cyber attack? Even if you have the connections to support you and get your business back on track quickly, it will undoubtedly be an expensive exercise.
Preventions is better than cure!
Working in partnership with specialist cyber companies such as Lincoln-based KryptoKloud, that provide Cyber Security Audits to understand a business’ weaknesses and address them, then cyber security intelligence and monitoring services to protect their clients from the ever-increasing digital threat is the ultimate solution.
Even if you’ve done everything within your power to ensure your systems are secure, the weakest link is usually your people. It just takes one tempting email click or an email from a trusted supplier that’s been compromised to wreck all that hard work and wreak havoc. That’s when your Cyber Insurance becomes invaluable.
Your insurer will coordinate the response, utilising the services of specialists like KryptoKloud and others to get your business back up and running, deal with any fall-out and help you rebuild your defences against future attacks.
Like Covid, cyber is part of our world and will remain an ever-present threat, so act now to stay cyber safe.
To chat about how Cyber Insurance can help your business, contact Charlotte Perkins at [email protected], 0115 942 0111 or connect with Charlotte on LinkedIn